~Getting Started~
The first preparation. I Called and got her pre-op appointment set up we will need to be there February 12th at 11:00 a.m. to set everything up for the next morning. Kaylee will have to stay in the hospital for 3 to 4 days then afterwards we will stay in West Palm Beach for a week if everything seems to be healing well. She will be put in what is called a Spica Cast the picture to the side is what this will look like. We will need to buy an almost $700 special car seat called the Hippo car seat... Wow! Very thankful for the benefit we had for Kaylee!
Lots of paper work to fill out and plans to make. We will be very busy around here for the next month! But things seem to be going smoothly so far. Main things to focus on this month is getting this house in order everything sterilized! And we must make sure not to get as much as a runny nose 30 days before the surgery or we will have to cancel. I certainly feel an amazing peace over me seem crazy but no nerves or worries just ready for it to be here! Kind of feels like that last month of pregnancy just all the perparing and the waiting for the baby to arrive, thats the only way I can describe what I'm feeling now. But maybe not the joy afterwards of having a baby... I do look forward to having the time spent with my family for almost 2 weeks we will be together and what better place then at the beach! Thankful for our father everyday, we are blessed beyond any measures. Peace be with all who reads this <3
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