Ok so back to the doctor scare. They admitted me into the hospital, my doctor wanted to keep me pregnant as long as possible so they kept me there. They hooked me up to an IV with fluids to keep me hydrated. I stayed there for almost 2 weeks, then finally the doctor came in and said lets get that baby out! I was scheduled a few days later for a c-section, oh I could not sleep those few days I was so excited. Finally the day had come Friday April 2nd, 2010! There was so much going on in my mind that day, I would think what if there is a lot wrong with my baby, what if she does have down syndrome, what if she is missing her foot, what if there is hardly a leg there, but what if these doctors are just crazy and my baby is perfect. They never gave me a clear answer to what it is, they could have been wrong the whole time. That was my hopes! It was 1:00 that afternoon ready for surgery. My family came in and said there goodbyes, but when it came to my son saying good bye I just broke out in tears.
No more just Kenny being my baby there would be a new baby here. How in the world would he handle all of this, will he understand what’s going on and why I can’t hold him all the time like I use to. Everyone walked out and I got ready to walk back to the surgery room. I was shaking, I just wanted to turn around and run. Was I ready for this? No I needed a little more time to think. There was no turning back now it was time! I was shaking so bad they couldn’t even put the spinal tap in my back the nurses had to hold me down. They got it in finally, laid me down and put the sheet up so all I could see was blue. I don’t really know what I was think here maybe it was all the pain killers. I just know I wasn’t event thinking about her leg all I want to do was see my little girl. They brought my husband in and then I started felling them do the surgery. A few tugs later I heard it’s a girl. Then next the cry, other then my son the sweetest most precious thing ever. I couldn’t hold back again I cried with tears joy! All my husband could say was she is perfect, she is beautiful!
I remember asking him does she have hair, that’s all I cared about. I got one quick look at her then they rushed her off to the nursery, I didn’t even see her leg. About an hour had past they got me back in my room, then they brought her in. My little baby girl all my worries were gone. She was the most beautiful tiny little angel I had ever seen. I knew it these doctors are crazy they just wanted me to worry I guess. She was perfect from what I could see and that’s all that mattered.
She was so precious all rapped up in that swaddle blanket. I waited awhile before I looked at her leg I just wanted to enjoy this moment with her, I think I was scared to look. But after a few hours I looked. What was this all I was worried about you could hardly tell a difference! I knew it she was perfect one leg was just a little short but not by much. There was an orthopedic Doctor there at the hospital that day he looked Kaylee over and said I have never seen this nor heard of this, let me go do some research he came back in and said I believe this is something called PFFD. I was so relieved, they had a name for it and that was the only thing wrong with her nothing else. No down syndrome no missing foot and she had enough leg to work with. It was FIXABLE!!!
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